Wild Ones Midcoast Maine Speaker series continues on September 5, 2024 – 6:30-7:30

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Ecological Principles to Create Aesthetically Beautiful Wildlife Habitat Using Native Plants – No Matter Your Garden Size

WOMM Speaker Series continues in the Fall. Educate yourself about your best garden choices for the Wild Ones Midcoast Maine Native Plants Sale at Camden Public Library on Thursday September 5, 2024, Amy Thomas, WOMM Program Chair, MSW, MNRD, will present “Ecological Principles to Create Aesthetically Beautiful Wildlife Habitat Using Native Plants – No Matter Your Garden Size“. This presentation is geared to any size yard or property, urban or rural.

We’ll begin with a brief overview of the ecological and environmental benefits and importance of using native plants in landscapes and gardens.

We’ll explore the differences between “cultivars,” “nativars” and “true native” plants, and each of their possible potential impacts on pollinators and wildlife.

Next we’ll enjoy a list of side-by-side photo comparisons of “Plant This, Not That,” identifying some basic alternative native species which make transitioning portions of your garden to natives easy. The native species in this section have been selected for their similar visual characteristics, bloom time and foliage shapes of often seen cultivars, but possess pollinator and wildlife enhancing qualities that cultivars lack.

We will also discuss local nursery sources for safely grown native plants, and have some time for Q&A.

Learn how we can improve our landscapes and gardens, encouraging native plants and pollinators. Get to know about more natives, so you can plan and be prepared for your purchases at the annual Camden Native Plant Celebration & Sale, Sunday, September 15, in the library’s amphitheatre.