Wild Ones Midcoast Maine Petitions Governor to Name April 2023 Maine Native Plant Month

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Supporters from across the State of Maine joined our chapter in asking Maine State Governor Mills to proclaim April 2023 Maine Native Plant Month. The petition was launched on Change.org and garnered signatures and support from all over Maine. Here is what some signers had to say:

“Maine has a dire need for the comprehensive strict protection of ecosystems. Native plants are the foundation. No native plants /trees = no caterpillars = no birds = no pollinators = no food for animals(humans). Native trees and plants are the basis of life support on earth: clean water, air and soils, and food. Thank you.” — Cindy Lang, Founding Member of Wild Ones Midcoast Maine | Thomaston, Maine

“Native plants need a lot of good public relations development. Their importance is misunderstood and their place in our ecology is a critical part of a healthy future for our state.” Marcia Coakley, Founding Member of Wild Ones Midcoast Maine | Warren, Maine

“Native plants are good for animals, people, and the planet.” — Cayla Mäki-Pittman, Founding Member of Wild Ones Midcoast Maine | Camden, Maine

“We NEED natives to combat climate change!!” — Cecilia King

“If this isn’t important to you, it is to so many of us trying to save of native plants & their team mates, the native pollinators! If they die, so will some many other plants & creatures that we love. Extinction is forever & I don’t want to be part of a place devoid of butterflies, native columbines, asters, coneflowers & so many lesser known, but essential creatures who care for us even if we don’t acknowledge them. Signing this will do so much for the state’s awareness of the impending tragedy that would be irreversible, sooner than we know!” — Lynette Courtney

“As a Maine summer lover now, it would be a shame to neglect the best things about our gardens and wildlife!!” — Nancy Erkman

It is time we recognize and cherish the native plants that are the backbone of our soil, healthy air and critters!” — Cindy Phillips

“Native plants are vital to support our native ecosystems, which are endangered by invasives. We need to raise awareness of this issue.” — Tracey Mackersie

“It’s important!” — Willow Runningwater | Brooklin, Maine