We proudly wrote to Governor Mills to ask that she declare April 2023 Maine Native Plant Month:
March 18, 2023
Dear Governor Mills:
We are writing as residents of the State of Maine to ask that you consider issuing a proclamation recognizing April 2023 as Maine Native Plant Month. Additionally, we are asking that you make April Maine Native Plant Month in perpetuity for following years.
We represent Wild Ones Midcoast Maine, a chapter of Wild Ones, the national native plant advocacy nonprofit. We are a voice for the natural landscaping movement in Maine. We promote environmentally friendly, sound landscaping to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration, and establishment of native plant communities in midcoast Maine. Our chapter spans four counties: Knox, Waldo, Lincoln and Sagadahoc.
Planting more native plants instead of non-natives conserves Maine’s natural resources, reduces environmental degradation, increases biodiversity, and supports Maine’s unique wildlife and ecosystems. More native plants in Maine is better for Mainers.
Our fellow supporters at Garden Club of America have already written to you directly through the National Native Plant Month Initiative. We are attaching a copy of that letter.
Other organizations supporting this effort include the Camden Garden Club (Maine’s oldest and original garden club) and Wild Seed Project. Both organizations are well-respected in our region and state.
As our fellow supporters cited, in 2021, a resolution was passed in the U.S. Senate (S. Res. 109) designating April as National Native Plant Month. This resolution was renewed in 2022, and the plan is for renewal again in 2023. We hope that Maine will join these efforts.
Wild Ones Midcoast Maine